
May 27, 2012

Skin lightening regimen results

If you haven't read my post about my skin lightening regimen, then go here: My skin lightening regimen. For the review of the products I used, please go here: My skin lightening regimen products review.

As what I have mentioned in my previous post, I have started my skin lightening regimen last April and I am still doing it until I achieve the color I wanted. Well, I just wanted to even out my skin color and that's it. 

The photo below was taken last May 3, 2012. I was frustrated that day because I got darker due to prolonged exposure to sunlight. I couldn't find a bus home so I stood under the sun for more than an hour. I had an umbrella with me and put on sunblock with an spf/spa 30 so, I think it lessened the damage caused by the sun.
I don't know if you can see it but, the tan line is visible in this photo. (I was wearing a t-shirt that day)

This photo was taken last May 25, 2012. That day, my friends invited me to go to the mall because Joe Jonas, Allison and Dominique of ANTM will be there. To my surprise, the visible tan line was almost unnoticeable in just 22 days! I can see an even skin tone in the future!! 

This has no connection whatsoever to my skin lightening results but then I just really wanted to post this. My friend told me that Allison and I have similar personalities so I got especially curious. I don't watch ANTM so when they told me that she's blonde, I had to ask them every time I see a blonde white girl. Well, I stopped after my friend showed me a photo of her. Photo courtesy goes to my friend. The one on the left is Allison and the one on the right is Dominique. This is the most decent photo we got. I couldn't see them well that time because all I could see were heads and cameras so I had to tip toe just to take a look at them. 

On the other news, check out my right arm! I got my blood extracted yesterday (May 26, 2012) and it resulted to this. I don't know what went wrong. It didn't hurt at all though. Somehow the lighting on the right side is better. 

All arm photos taken from my phone so I apologize for the shitty quality. Stay tuned to my next blog post! 


  1. I see little difference. I don't using skin lightening product, because I have rly light skin tone.

  2. lucky for you! for me, i just use it to even up my skin tone. It looks worse before though. It looks like I have a brown glove up to my arms. :)) Thanks for visiting my blog btw! :)
