I bought these two way back in November 2011 when I started caring about my skincare routine. Its in two flavors, err scents. The happy teatime aloe tea and the happy teatime milk tea.
There are other variants like the peach tea and lemon tea. I think the most raved one is the peach tea but I didn't get it since I do not like the scent that much. Moving on, the aloe tea is for moisturizing and the milk tea is for softening. (that's whats written at the back.) I use them both everyday, the aloe tea in the morning and the milk tea at night. Unfortunately, way back in January, my tita asked me to give her my happy teatime milk tea since she really liked it and I think there's no etude house way back in Italy. So to sum up everything, I used my Happy teatime milk tea cleansing foam for only 2 months and my happy teatime aloe tea cleansing foam for seven months and counting. I think its time for me to make a review. :)
The review
Price and availability: P148 available in all Etude house branches.
Allergic reations: Nothing
Scent: I like the scent of the aloe tea and the milk tea that's why I chose them in the first place. The softening and moisturizing properties of the facial wash are added bonuses for me. I initially used the aloe tea in the morning since it has a scent that wakes you up and the milk tea at night since it has a mild and err relaxing /calming scent.
Does it last long? Yes. When I gave my tita my milk tea variant which I used for 2 months, It looked like its never been touched. Almost like its newly bought. My aloe tea variant which I used for 7 months til now has still lots of product inside it. I think I consumed about half of my aloe tea variant in 7 months! Oh, since I gave my tita the other facial foam, I have been using the aloe tea twice a day and yet I just consumed half of the product in seven months! Which is a very very long period of time.
Cleansing properties: Awesome!!! I actually never realized that this cleanser is super awesome until I took a photo of it this morning. Refer to the photos below for comparison
This is what my face looks like when I didn't use the cleanser. I just woke up when I took this photo and my face is kinda dirty and oily since I applied makeup for no particular reason the night before. I do not have a decent makeup remover so I just use baby oil. Maybe that's the reason why I'm oily.
This is how my err nose looks like after using the cleanser. I focused the camera on my nose since my gigantic pores are very prominent in that area. As you can see, there is a visible difference between how my face/nose looks like before and after I use the cleanser. This is just so awesome!! The visible dirt around the nose area and in my pores (and I mean the black things stuck in my pores referring to the photo above.) are instantly removed when I used this cleanser.
You can zoom the photo to see the difference.
Will I repurchase? Yes!!!
Conclusion: This is a very cheap and very effective cleanser from etude house that removes dirt and any foreign particles around the area of concentration. You will save a lot when using this plus this one does not have any harsh/irritating scents. There are alot of variants to choose from so there's no problem if you get tired of a particular scent.